

HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training, is a workout that consists of short periods of intense exercise lasting anywhere from 10 to 60 seconds, followed immediately by a period of active recovery of the same length or longer.

Who is HIIT For?

It’s estimated that 80% of Americans don’t get enough physical activity each day. HIIT training is for those with busy schedules who don’t have time to spend hours in the gym each day and those looking to lose fat.

That’s why one of the biggest advantages of HIIT is that you get maximum health benefits in a short amount of time. HIIT classes and workouts are perfect for losing weight, building endurance, overall fitness, and more.

What Makes HIIT Workouts so Effective?

With HIIT classes and workouts, you not only burn a lot of calories during the workout, but because of the high intensity you will continue to burn calories for hours afterwards as your body repairs muscle proteins damaged during exercise.

Benefits of HIIT

HIIT classes and workouts offer a wide-range of benefits including:

Examples of HIIT Workouts

When you take a HIIT class at Body In Rhythm, you can expect to perform a variety of cardio exercises. Here are some of the best HIIT workouts for weight loss:


A burpee is a full body exercise that involves a push-up followed by a leap in the air. Burpees engage all of the muscles in your body, but mainly target your calves, chest, triceps, shoulder, biceps, glutes, and lats.

High Knees:

High knees is an exercise done to increase your heart rate which can help improve your stamina and endurance. It also targets all of the muscles in your legs.

Jumping Jacks:

Jumping jacks are another exercise used to increase your heart rate. This move also targets the muscles in your legs, mainly your calves.

Squat Jumps:

Squat jumps are exactly how they sound. You do a squat, but on the way up you explode into the air. This exercise targets your leg muscles and glutes and also helps in boosting your heart rate.

Mountain Climbers:

Mountain climbers require you to be in a plank position while bringing your knees to your chest in quick, alternating movements. This is a full body exercise used to build endurance and agility.

Push Ups:

Push-ups are a classic bodyweight exercise for building the upper body. Mainly your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

HIIT Training at our Baltimore, Maryland Facility

Are you ready to transform your body with our HIIT programs at Body In Rhythm Training? Check out our trainers page to learn more about the personal trainers that you could be working with, then use the form below to book your first session!

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