Kenny Anderson - Trainer


Kenny Anderson, Body at ease fitness


About kenny

My philosophy on life is quite simple... a sound mind, body, and soul is the key to lifelong happiness and when all three are in sync with each other you have obtained eternal bliss, my friend. My name is Kenny Anderson and I’m a certified personal trainer.

I’m also a licensed massage therapist of 12 years, extensively trained in various modalities of holistic bodywork. I’ve always had a passion for fitness, having started working out at age 12 with a workout bench and a set of concrete weights my mom bought me for Christmas. I worked out consistently, built up my strength, and wrestled at Poly from freshman to senior year.

I then enlisted in the United States Navy, where I served in Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Upon my honorable discharge from the Navy, I became a Maryland State Correctional officer for 14 years as well as enlisting in the Maryland National Army Guard for 3 years. Those two careers kept me in shape, exercised, and energized because at any time things can go from normal to alert status in the blink of an eye and I had to be ready for it. I am also a published author, so I pride myself on being very creative.

I am extremely dedicated to helping my clients become the best versions of themselves they could possibly be. Having recently lost 35 lbs. myself over the course of a year and a half, I know what hard work, dedication, sacrifice and determination can do for a person’s confidence and I am all too happy to be a part of that person’s transformation.

I am a perfectionist, meaning I’m not content with my clients just completing an exercise, but completing it right, safely and using the correct form to accomplish the specific goal. I am a motivator, knowing that sometimes a person needs a little encouragement or a “pep talk” to keep them on track.  I’ve been working out for over 35 years but I’m entering the fitness industry at a relatively late age (49), so I am still learning some things myself and I’m just as eager to learn as I am to teach.


 I have been a certified personal trainer through the International Sports Science Association for 1 year. Since then, I have worked as a trainer at the Towson Merritt Club and recently have joined forces with Body in Rhythm as a certified personal trainer. I have a thorough understanding of muscles and movements of the body, having studied exercise science at CCBC and being a licensed massage therapist for a number of years.


If you’re ready to train with Kenny, fill out the form below or contact him at or 443-635-7438.


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